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Showing posts from September, 2019

Religion Poisons Everything...

The below sample set (from a single source, in a limited time period) is aside from the graft and embezzlement (April, 2018) on the part of many of the mega church leaders. Examples also do not mention any of the clergy child abuse and pedophilia scandals involving numerous denominations of Christianity in the west. The Sweet Jesus Ice Cream ad seems to have brought out some of the whiniest of the U.S. Christians a while back (April, 2018). I haven't looked to see how the ice cream chain is doing. It's within the airport facility in Baltimore. I need to try it the next time I fly. The blog piece and comments cracked me up though. In a country with a secular constitution, how can the predominant religion that has forced its symbols, beliefs, and iconography into our schools, our courts, and our government complain about being mocked? The U.S. is not supposed to have a tyranny of the majority. The U.K. is predominantly Anglican Christian, and still has the head of that church...

Atheism Is A Religion? !!

I've been seeing recently people claiming that atheism is a religion! Needless to say I find this confusing after years of being called heathen, devil worshiper, and more, now suddenly atheism is a religion? Memes are popping up "Atheism is a religion like bald is a hair color", "Atheism is a religion like not collecting stamps is a hobby", and others along the same vein. To be clear, theism is a belief in the existence of a god or gods, specifically of a creator who intervenes in the universe. Atheism is a lack of such belief. A gnostic claims knowledge that a god or gods exist; an agnostic makes no such knowledge claim. The word "secular" means not related to religion, so a non-believer is secular; a believer is non-secular.  That's it, that's all there is to it.   I think the confusion originated with "state of religion" type surveys (Pew and others asking respondents to self identify their religion). As "nothing in particul...