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Comics, Misc.

Comics, Miscellaneous 

Some of these are just too funny and/or appropriate not to share. (6 Dec 2019)

America has always been great, IF you're a white Christian male...

Maybe get it straight among yourselves...

Depends on your definition of predator, maybe...

Judgment at the 'pearly gates':

Jesus wouldn't even 'place' at a martyrs' convention, let alone 'win'. A rough weekend:

Finally for today, corruption of the scientific method:

Though not an atheist, many may "label" you that way if you don't conform to their exact standards of belief. Why does no one realize *they're* an atheist as to any 'god' but their own!!?? Why such stigma attached to a simple word?

Despise your atheism
Despise your atheism

Your rights stop where mine begin

“There is not enough love and goodness in the world to permit giving any of it away to imaginary beings.” 
-- Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900, Germany), Human, All Too Human

Irony defined (artist unknown)

We create our own miracles every day!
