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Showing posts from June, 2019

R.I.P. TwoToes

TwoToes came into my life July 5, 2001. He was about 4 months old then, according to the vet. so he was of a late Feb/early March litter. He had multiple birth defects, including conjoined toes on his front feet (the opposite of polydactyl), some weirdness in the iris if his eyes where they didn't contract properly in bright light, instead they formed unevenly sized diamonds instead of the expected circular pinpoints. Supposedly also had a heart murmur, but only 2 vets heard that so I guess it wasn't serious. He was found on the center line of a busy downtown Baltimore street and picked up by a good person who took the kitten to animal control to turn him in. It just so happens that on that day, at that time I had come to animal control to renew my "multi-pet permit" (formerly called a kennel license). Finished my administrative business inside and met the kitten's guardian angel in the parking lot. He had found that if he turned the animal in, it would be destroy...