TwoToes came into my life July 5, 2001. He was about 4 months old then, according to the vet. so he was of a late Feb/early March litter. He had multiple birth defects, including conjoined toes on his front feet (the opposite of polydactyl), some weirdness in the iris if his eyes where they didn't contract properly in bright light, instead they formed unevenly sized diamonds instead of the expected circular pinpoints. Supposedly also had a heart murmur, but only 2 vets heard that so I guess it wasn't serious. He was found on the center line of a busy downtown Baltimore street and picked up by a good person who took the kitten to animal control to turn him in. It just so happens that on that day, at that time I had come to animal control to renew my "multi-pet permit" (formerly called a kennel license). Finished my administrative business inside and met the kitten's guardian angel in the parking lot. He had found that if he turned the animal in, it would be destroyed but he couldn't keep it himself. He was asking everyone in the parking area to take this kitten, even temporarily. I agreed -- I already had a multi-pet permit (due to some obnoxious neighbor issues -- I had 3 rescue dogs and 2 rescue cats at that time -- who knows what that neighbor's problem was). Anyway, temporarily turned into a few weeks, then a few months, then vanish. So now I had 3 cats, all indoor, all neutered, none declawed. All animals current on vaccines; all was "wonderful".
Toes was a standard "starving kitten" syndrome baby. No food left unattended was safe -- he ate pizza, hot dogs, sauerkraut or dog food given half a chance. He couldn't retract his claws because of his deformed feet, but he learned early on that nail clipping was a requirement for continued warm bed, good food, and loving companionship. He was an explorer and a lover. He helped with many sets of later rescue kittens that came through our private rescue. He actually nursed the Boots and Precious litter about 4 years later. No, not productive except for the comfort he was willing to provide those 3ish week old babies. To the left is Toes and Marcus baby, 2009. Below is Toes and teen Patrick, 2013. IDK why images seem to have lost their caption feature...
Toes had learned the "Cats Rule" law from Buttons and Lady, so kept Dixie, Duncan, Domino, Dancer and later Tiki and Tazi in their rightful "dogs drool" place. He was a very proud, very independent cat, but also very affectionate when he wanted to be.
He was diagnosed diabetic in December, 2017. We adapted well to insulin BID; he was already on meal times of canned meat, very little carbohydrates. A few weeks ago, he began to decline, showing less interest in activity, surroundings, watching the birds on the deck... he even began to lose interest in food. He had trouble with mobility, though he's been on glucosamine for several years. He started having trouble making it to the litter box in time. The usual decline followed (no, the ketone strips were negative) -- less and less mobility, more and more litter box accidents, less and less interest in food or water. He put himself on a basically liquid diet, so I adapted to about a 3 week old kitten diet - slushy when he would lap, squirts into mouth when he wouldn't; ditto water; wide towel around his middle with me holding the 2 ends to help him walk. We had to move his heated bed and mat, and separate feeding and litter area to the active rescue folding "kitten enclosure" we'd used so many years before, because he was wandering the entire house overnight. I can't deal with
that kind of surprise every morning! He's been in the enclosure when not supervised for 3 days now. I've tried to get his interest in wandering on the deck, but he just collapses. He is tired. He's done and wants to go to who knows where. He will at least be pain free and at peace. He will be buried under the trees near Lady and Boots.
He's had a good life, and he was very loved (in all his rottenness, and later crotchety-ness). He was a unique character. We will miss you, Tubs but you'll always be in my heart. I will not forget you.
June 19, 2019
Toes was a standard "starving kitten" syndrome baby. No food left unattended was safe -- he ate pizza, hot dogs, sauerkraut or dog food given half a chance. He couldn't retract his claws because of his deformed feet, but he learned early on that nail clipping was a requirement for continued warm bed, good food, and loving companionship. He was an explorer and a lover. He helped with many sets of later rescue kittens that came through our private rescue. He actually nursed the Boots and Precious litter about 4 years later. No, not productive except for the comfort he was willing to provide those 3ish week old babies. To the left is Toes and Marcus baby, 2009. Below is Toes and teen Patrick, 2013. IDK why images seem to have lost their caption feature...
Toes had learned the "Cats Rule" law from Buttons and Lady, so kept Dixie, Duncan, Domino, Dancer and later Tiki and Tazi in their rightful "dogs drool" place. He was a very proud, very independent cat, but also very affectionate when he wanted to be.
He was diagnosed diabetic in December, 2017. We adapted well to insulin BID; he was already on meal times of canned meat, very little carbohydrates. A few weeks ago, he began to decline, showing less interest in activity, surroundings, watching the birds on the deck... he even began to lose interest in food. He had trouble with mobility, though he's been on glucosamine for several years. He started having trouble making it to the litter box in time. The usual decline followed (no, the ketone strips were negative) -- less and less mobility, more and more litter box accidents, less and less interest in food or water. He put himself on a basically liquid diet, so I adapted to about a 3 week old kitten diet - slushy when he would lap, squirts into mouth when he wouldn't; ditto water; wide towel around his middle with me holding the 2 ends to help him walk. We had to move his heated bed and mat, and separate feeding and litter area to the active rescue folding "kitten enclosure" we'd used so many years before, because he was wandering the entire house overnight. I can't deal with
that kind of surprise every morning! He's been in the enclosure when not supervised for 3 days now. I've tried to get his interest in wandering on the deck, but he just collapses. He is tired. He's done and wants to go to who knows where. He will at least be pain free and at peace. He will be buried under the trees near Lady and Boots.
He's had a good life, and he was very loved (in all his rottenness, and later crotchety-ness). He was a unique character. We will miss you, Tubs but you'll always be in my heart. I will not forget you.
June 19, 2019
I am greatly sorry for your loss. R.I.P. TwoToes. I believe that if his spirit could talk to you right now that this is close to what he would say.
ReplyDeleteI give you this one thought to keep
I am with you still – I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow,
I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning’s hush,
I am the swift, uplifting rush
of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft stars that shine at night.
Do not think of me as gone –
I am with you still – in each new dawn.
May peace be with you.
So beautiful, so thoughtful, so touching; thank you very much Dragon.