Some states are re-opening far too soon. The efforts undertaken by most of society to prevent further spread of the disease (covid-19) caused by the virus (CoV-2) are having an effect. The number of new cases each day is not increasing as fast as it was. It's not going down in many places, but at least it's not increasing as fast. Opening too soon may well set us all back to the beginning stages of this pandemic. How dire can the need for a haircut possibly be? Listen to the scientists; stay home. Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian, has more on this concept. In spite of federal claims to the contrary, states do not have test kits, and the supplies and personnel to perform them, and the labs to process them. A shortage in any of these areas means testing cannot be completed. States do not have the data to make intelligent choices regarding proactive measures to prevent spread of any outbreaks that may occur. States do not have data to know when it is actually saf...
Spirituality without Dogma, Good Without Gods