In my private rescue, I get way more inquiries ('is so-and-so still available' is my favorite -- no, s/he is on my 'adoptables' page because I need to answer more phone calls or e-mails; or 'can I get one of [bonded pair]?' rarely even gets more than an eye-roll) than I get applications, and I get way more applications than I get adoptions. The applications without really meaning it are the most disappointing. This happened again over the past couple weeks.
Chan, Beau, Bitsy, Chip, Chad Nov. 2009 |
Adopted! Early 2010 |
Chip & Chad are male bonded litter-mates. There were 5 in that litter, and I actually had that mom, too (a calico cat who I called CeeCee). Three orange tabbys (Chad, Charlie, Chip), a Siamese looking male (Chan), and a little black female (Cherry). The kittens were about 4weeks old when I got them in October, 2009. Over the next couple months, the usual care was given (it's a lot more work than that makes it sound). Charlie showed independence and Chip & Chad showed reliance on each other. Chip would cuddle with anybody, but Chad usually only wanted Chip. If Chip was with other 'friends' Chad would join him. Chan & Cherry were close, but could handle themselves individually too. All that group were adopted by Feb. 2010. All seemed wonderful, photos sent from new homes, neuter deposits returned, all swell. Until it wasn't.
The Boys At Adopted Home
Feb 2010 - Chad on Left |
Feb, 2011 Old kitchen to dining
What's Going On Here? |
We'd been searching for a new home without so many stairs. I'd been adopting out as many rescues as possible, TNR'ing as many ferals in that neighborhood as possible, bit-by-bit prepping our home for sale when I got a call that Chelsea could no longer keep "the boys" (Chad & Chip). Some talk, trying to see if there was some behavior or other issue I could help solve but no, just come get them. So I did. It's mid-November, 2010. The boys came back to a house in a bit of turmoil; some 'friends' were gone. Everything was different, stuff was moved. We found and made an offer on what is now our current home in January, 2011 and settled March 1. We moved up here mid-late summer with a fair number of pond fish, a 125gallon tropical fish aquarium, 2 ~20lb dogs, and Lady, Toes, Boots, Precious, Tasha, Tinker & Taylor, Marti, Minnie, Mickey, Princess, Chip & Chad -- 13 cats, 5 mine + 2 un-adoptable (so I guess they're mine), and 6 adoptables.
So, about 2 weeks ago I got an application for Chip & Chad. We talked on the phone a couple times, she had trouble completing and getting the app to me. I upgraded the app for easier submission and finally got it from her. Phone calls with references. Phone call with leasing agent. More phone calls with potential adopter. Numerous recommendations to potential adopter -- How to Welcome a New Cat Home, they're used to this litter, and this food; they're on this feeding schedule. Where are their vet records? I've looked every where I can think of. It appears she & 13yo together will provide great home for "the boys". I'm excited. Maybe finally, the boys will not have to share their people. Today is "meet & greet" day. Only 1/2 hour late and 1 phone call from the mailboxes to see if she should come up the common drive(!?). We all wore masks & met outside. I had planned to meet in the side sunroom -- but it faces almost due east, it is about 11a.m. and already pushing 90degrees F. Humidity already high, T-storms due off and on later today. We all agreed that we hadn't been anywhere or met anyone outside our own people in a few weeks, so opted for the abutting smaller bedroom and its air conditioning. And, I still have no vet records. Well, not quite none. I found the original vet intake sheet for CeeCee's Babies, from October, 2009. Whoop-de-doo. Damn!
The Boys - 2017ish
Diff House, Same daybed |
The visit seemed to be going well. The cats were cautious of course but began to play a bit with the rawhide string, and readily came for a few treats. They allowed petting and stroking. Chip started into his unmistakable purr. We conversed; they asked several questions only some of which I could answer (How long will these cats live? ...hmm). It seemed they were interested in the boys, and wanted to talk among themselves. I left to get drinks and the nail clippers (I always clip their nails before they go to their forever home). I sat and had only a few drags before I heard them moving in the foyer. Surprised, I went to see them. Turns out the 13yo had an "issue" with "allergies". Umm, sorry to hear. Are you suffering now? I asked (because I saw none of the expected symptoms). I was going to suggest an OTC allergy medicine or similar. No, not that kind of allergy -- the kind where you're "anal about hair, or mess, and things" on her clothes and items and personal space explained the adult. The woman went on to explain that's why she wanted the 13yo to come -- so she could see what was involved in having a cat. I have no idea what kind of animal the 13yo thought she could get that didn't shed hair or skin cells, or slobber, or drool, or eat, or eliminate -- how about a fish, maybe. I showed her the hair on my fresh from the closet this morning shirt. She wrinkled her nose. I couldn't help but laugh. So, anyway, multiple hours effort on my part to help a (grandmother I think she said) adult help a 13yo realize a small fact of life. They're going to go away and "re-think things from the beginning". Oh, jeez... LOL
Lady died just after we moved up here. She was either 20 or 21, we're not sure. Patrick came in a year or so after we moved up here. Patrick was adopted a few months ago. Marti was adopted a few years ago. Mickey was adopted a couple years ago. Princess gets lots of inquiries but no takers -- IDK if it's her need for canned food or what. Minnie doesn't get much attention -- maybe too active, maybe too independent, IDK. Toes and Boots both died last year. The pond fish have almost doubled their population. The aquarium plecos are opportunistic hunters, nearly as I can tell. The fish count keeps declining there. Chip & Chad and the rest of the 'adoptables' all think they live here. They think I'm theirs. Some are more willing to share me than others are. It seems like I have a few cats for their, or my, lifetime. It could be worse -- I could be 'anal' about pet hair or drool, or caterpillar frass, on me.
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