It is a GLORIOUS day! Carrie used to mock me for saying that, hahaha. She was not (still isn't) an early riser. Dawn/sunrise right now is about 5:30 here. I grabbed this short video audio about 8:30 to share the morning symphony I am lucky enough to enjoy with my first few cups of coffee. Not a lot more to say -- I'm still working on a multi-part piece on the history of racism in America (it's much more involved than I expected). Image to the left is a still from the video. I so enjoy being surrounded by nature :) Brad manipulated the raw video from the tablet (Win10) so I could post it here. I think it's part of nature that when your partner does something considerate or helpful or otherwise thoughtful that you forget the dozens of times said partner has been a "turkey". It keeps you happier and prevents you from stabbing them in their sleep, hahaha!! A deliberately short memory may be (one of) the secrets to a good, long lasting relationship.
Spirituality without Dogma, Good Without Gods
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