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Upcoming 2020 U.S. Election

I don't usually agree with Gingrich, but on this I do. Your vote matters. Make your voice heard. The absurdity of this Tucker Carlson piece is obvious to even most of the Fox regulars (see the comments section). Biden's brother (who knew he had a brother?) is ignoring this non-story we're trying to make be a story...  how dare he? hahaha! Would you rather spend the next 4 years with a "wretched human being" or a "doting uncle"? There's a Washington newspaper opinion piece stating the "wretched human being" is the better choice than the "doting uncle" because the "doting uncle" will ask you to pay for the new and improved infrastructure as it were. For the wretched human being the piece says: "He panders to racists and prevents sensible immigration reform in a nation built on immigration labor and intellect,” he wrote. “He tweets conspiracy theories. He’s cavalier about COVID-19 and had led poorly through the pandemic. He seeks to dismantle the Affordable Care Act without proposing a replacement. He denies climate change.” while for the doting uncle the piece says: [he] “favors massive growth in government and a historic increase in federal spending through green initiatives, free health services, free education and other ideas grounded in reliance on the state as savior rather than creating an environment in which individual liberty and hard work can thrive”. I'm not sure that's a winning argument for the narcissist. But that's just my opinion, LOL. 

Yes, described programs cost money. As an aside, in what universe will "individual liberty and hard work" solve a global pandemic crisis, global climate change, trade wars, immigration reform, justice reform or a host of other real, world wide problems? This struck me as hilarious! A New Hampshire newspaper endorses the first democrat they've supported in 100 years. The bomb squad is out in Philadelphia, type-M explosives found in a van! They *could* have mentioned that M80's (firecrackers) are Type-M explosives, but that would not be as sensationalist, would it? 

Repeal Section 230! TheOrangeBuffoon's rallying cry. From the Justice Department comes a suggested outline of "reforms". From Brookings Institute comes an in depth discussion of the hazards faced by "content providers" under the current, or even worse, their proposed changes. Protect internet free speech -- It matters to everyone. Again, in the guise of "free speech" TOB is attempting to censor ideas he finds objectionable. He's upset that Twitter sometimes labels his tweets "misinformation" or a news outlet publishes unflattering pieces about him or his policies. It's not hyperbole to say our democracy is under attack -- but under attack from within, by its own elected leader. Party politicians are doing little to stop it. Using the Justice Department as your own private attack dog is not only beyond the norm, it is illegal (as is enriching yourself and family at the expense of the country). 

I found all of this hilarious. Most of this was seen on Fox, or TOB's web browser Twitter summary page, so take its veracity with that in mind. I do see why if someone is relying on these and similar sources for news exclusively, they would have a far different outlook on things than anyone with a wider perspective. I found it very funny! And very sad. 

The gullibility of people. The lack of critical  thinking skills. The ease with which some are manipulated. The preoccupation with showmanship over substance. It is a sad commentary on the American education system. That, IMO, is a huge part of what needs to be "upgraded" to help Americans be able to face and solve real challenges. Stop sending public school money to fund private (often religious) schools (palatably called "school choice"). The U.S. deficit was the highest it's ever been, prior to the virus. "The COVID-related spike in the deficit obscures a smaller, steady rise in the deficit under President Donald Trump’s watch. Trump in 2017 engineered a large tax cut" that provided most benefit to the wealthy. This for a more detailed analysis and this for a more high level but informative view. You cannot honestly say this administration is fiscally conservative, and of course, the pandemic has made things worse.

The presidential oath of office "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." and the congressional oath of office: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter." The President and all senators and house members swear to uphold the Constitution. The congressional representatives also swear to defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. There is no excuse I see for the dereliction of duty shown by the senators in their blind support of the actions of this President. This administration, a true domestic enemy, has shown utter disregard for the tenets of the basis of our American democracy. They do not deserve the office they currently hold. Violating the oath of office could even be considered treason. 

This is the first of 3 videos he's done so far, same topic. I say vote them all away -- they are not doing their jobs -- they are not representing us. 
