Just before we begin to enjoy this bounty, it is a custom of many to say a blessing, a thankful prayer, a grace. A person is designated each year (at the table, no advance warning) to deliver this "prayer". This was the habit at my in-laws' table at least once a year. For some reason, my father-in-law selected me one year. I was caught by surprise. He maybe didn't realize what he'd done, or maybe thought I objected. He tried to walk it back, release me from any obligation... oh, you don't have to if you don't want. No, it's fine; I'm good. I don't remember my exact words but it went along these lines:
I give thanks for all our family & friends who are here today.
I think of those who couldn't be with us today. I remember them. Our sisters, our mothers, our fathers, our friends. [Would anyone like to remember anyone by name?]
I thank the farmers for their work.
I thank the field hands (some probably illegal immigrants) who harvested, packed, and made possible most of the dishes we're about to enjoy.
I thank the truckers, the railway workers, the stock clerks, and grocers for their work in making this bounty available to us.
I thank the cook for planning and preparing this food for us. I thank everyone who brought a dish. It smells and looks scrumptious.
I thank whoever is going to clean up this and any kitchen mess, and offer my help in that regard.
Blessed be and Amun. Let us eat!
They all took it well. I'm sure they didn't know quite what to expect (they know I don't believe in their god). I didn't know either, hahaha! It's not my habit to thank anyone for my food, usually because I'm the cook. It was good to verbalize 'thank you' to all those who contribute to making these feasts possible though. We so often don't even think about that.
Seth Andrews' below video touches on the oddities of asking a deity to bless our food. I enjoyed his analysis of now blessed mashed potatoes, hahaha. It's from June 2017.
Happy Holidays and good eating to all! 2021 will be better (I hope). Outside of an actual bombing, fighting war, it has to be, doesn't it? Enjoy life, it's the only one we know we have. Blessed be.
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