A favorite tactic of dishonest people everywhere. The science deniers reading a science paper they do not understand often choose a tiny little blurb to repeat, stripping context totally away. Whether it's flat earth or NASA or evolution, they make the most unbelievable assertions based on their faulty understanding of what they've read. The second law of thermodynamics is one of their favorite misunderstood targets.
How about religion? From being a "religion of love" to being the "one and only right" religion, religionists manipulate people and apologists try to explain away conflicts in the holy texts. Desperate believers will take whatever solace they can find... often taking things out of context then being offended or taking things out of context to claim someone said something they didn't. Sometimes that attempt is hilarious.

Politicians are famous for this sort of thing too. Of course, one their best techniques is to think we don't know how to do math, or that we don't know how to think. Breaking news!! -- the economy rebounded over 30% this past quarter!! Yay Trump, he's doing what he said he'd do. This is the best economy since [some previous period I don't remember exactly what]. We're back to where we were just a few months ago, before the most recent plunge because of the plague. What they neglect to mention is that the economy was on a growth path that began years before the current resident of the White House was in office. What they also ignore is that the economy had collapsed over 30% the previous quarter. Somehow starting from even (100 let's say) less 30% (result 70) plus 30% (21) resulting in 91, equals 100. Further, the economy lost thousands of jobs the previous quarters. Tell the still unemployed that 30% of those jobs have returned; see if that puts food on their table or pays their mortgage. The truth is what reality shows. You just have to look beyond the hyperbole.
Have a thoughtful day!
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