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TOB Lost - Votes Count
People Count, Not Land Area

This video borrowed from a tweet represents the votes actually received by colored dots within the states (size of dot indicating approximate vote count). Did you know New York City Metropolitan area has a larger population than most of the states of this country? I didn't realize that. More people live in the New York City area than live in the entire state of Maryland, for instance. More people live in New York City than live in Wyoming. When we look at the election map, we see a huge portion of the middle of the country in the republican red. Do you realize that huge land mass has much more rural area, much more uninhabitable area, much more open space, much more national park land... much more empty space than most of the rest of the county? There's fewer people there. People vote. Votes matter. Votes are counted. All of them.  

Most republicans seem to have voted in person on election day. Many (maybe most?) non republicans voted by mail or in person when early voting opened. All the news outlets were reporting that voting by mail was way up over previous years. Some states were not allowed to begin counting votes by mail until election day. Everyone can see this means the absentee ballots will not be counted at the end of election day. They're busy counting the in-person ballots on election day. Only someone deliberately trying to deceive, trying to undermine the public's confidence would claim that all the votes should not be counted. We knew it would take longer this year. Yes, we need a better system to count absentee ballots, We need a central online system to collect our votes. We need something better than what we have; but we don't have it now. We have the results of an election now.

We have the results of an election now, though I think they're still counting in many states. The election was surprisingly, troublingly close. The pre-election adverts screaming unfounded conspiracy theories and attempts by the administration to disenfranchise some voters did nothing to help the American people. 

Now the incumbent is behaving as the self-obsessed narcissist he's shown us all along. The current resident of the white house (who I've referred to as TheOrangeBuffoon since I've become aware of him and his ways) is the worst excuse for a human being as I've ever known. He seems to think we are all really stupid. He cares for no one but himself. He doesn't care for the country, only for his personal power and prestige. He lies to your face (or the TV camera). He rewrites history (his own and ours) as it pleases him each moment of each day. He abuses his position of authority (President of the United States is a big deal) to bully allies and enemies alike. He demeans the office and everyone associated with it. 

The republican lawmakers, senators and representatives, are "humoring him" in his ongoing charade of fraud. Republicans are counting on TOB's support for their candidates in the Georgia Senate special election runoff. (I'm not sure that is a winning strategy, but I'm not up on Georgia politics. Remember, Georgians narrowly voted for Joe Biden for President [looks that way now anyway].) The republican Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger is under intense pressure from republicans, including TOB, to somehow skew the results of the presidential hand recount and the runoff results in a few weeks, to the republican party. Raffensperger is confident the election was properly counted, and is expecting the review to confirm that. 

There were 145,000 new CoVID cases in the U.S. today. There have been over 200,000 deaths due to the virus. The cases are spreading rapidly. "We’ve also seen a rapid increase in the number of calls from Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Iowa, Nebraska. We don’t normally see calls from those places, but we are getting them now. And they are saying, ‘We’ve called every place between your hospital and ours. And they can’t help us right now.’ So there are definitely signs that capacity in the Midwest is an issue,” Wild [David Wild, VP Performance, University Of Kansas Health Systems] said. TOB was tweeting again this morning about election fraud and illegal votes. 

Regulators are raising alarms. Mounting commercial real estate losses threaten the banks. In these days of zoom meetings instead of business travel and telecommuting instead of going into the office, how long must businesses continue paying office rent? With fewer tenants, how do property owners pay the mortgage on the properties? If their loans aren't repaid, how do banks lend any more money? "Just the fear of looming bankruptcies and defaults has prompted banks in recent months to restrict new lending". TOB golfs, tweets, and clogs the courts with frivolous lawsuits about election fraud

I am looking forward to January 20, 2021. I am concerned about what more damage TOB and the republicans can do in the interim, either through deliberate action or inaction. We need a competent leader now. We don't have one. 

We need legislators who are willing to do their jobs, too. That does not include sucking up to an egomaniac in his final weeks of "rule". That benefits nobody. TOB may be working himself into a run again in 2024. Hopefully the public will have wised up by then and he'll be roundly rejected, but we'll see. 

Meantime, work with the "other side" and accomplish something to help the American people. Some of these issues can't wait until January 20th. 
