Happy Solstice!! We're not gonna freeze!!! The sun is "as far away" as it's gonna go. You will see it start coming back tomorrow or the next day at sunrise. Yay!! Our ancient ancestors didn't know about the southern hemisphere, tho the people there certainly did. They know this as the summer solstice, and had their own celebrations to know they're not going to be baked alive, easing of protocols to protect themselves from the dangers of excess heat and lack of water are coming soon. Not sure that Seth mentions this. The Christians Don't Know Christmas video is at bottom of the page. UPDATE 12/21/20 - Seth posted a follow-up on his plea the other day to help a woman.
Note that earth is not closer to the sun now. We are actually at our furthest point in our orbit around the sun (perihelion) during northern hemisphere winter.. Earth is closest to the sun in June/July.
In checking for discussion on the adoption by Christianity of other religious beliefs from the area, I ran across this quote from a Catholic perspective. A fairly good summary of ancient Persia's Mithra to the Mithras in Mesopotamia and later spreading into Rome shortly before the supposed birth of Christ. This just made me laugh. QUOTE: The small Mithraic congregations were like masonic lodges for a few and for men only and even those mostly of one class, the military; a religion that excludes the half of the human race bears no comparison to the religion of Christ. Mithraism was all comprehensive and tolerant of every other cult, the Pater Patrum himself was an adept in a number of other religions; Christianity was essential exclusive, condemning every other religion in the world, alone and unique in its majesty. END QUOTE The Mithra believers were too tolerant of other religions. The Mithra believers excluded half the human race. From the Catholics, hahaha!
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