This is written on Jan 9, 2021. I know I've previously written on Churches and Presidents, but the ongoing travesty is bearing fruit. The poison of nationalism, especially the so-called Christian Nationalism, has been spreading for years. It has only gotten worse since TOB* was elected president. He was "selected by god" say the preachers. "God uses flawed people to do his work" say the pious. "We know his flaws, he'll grow into the position" said the faithful. "He's a 'baby Christian'" said the ministers. Meanwhile, TOB declared brown immigrants "invaders" and followers of Islam "terrorists" (it didn't hurt any that most of them were brown-skinned). The self-declared "Law & Order" president has furthered the rift among the American people. Protestors of seating Kavanaugh and inaction on global warming have been detained, ticketed, maybe even arrested. Protestors in the Black Lives Matter demonstrations in D.C. in spring and summer 2020 were met with police in force, in full riot gear. Yet a couple days ago on Wednesday, January 6, 2021 hundreds, maybe thousands of mostly white, mostly male, mostly armed demonstrators were met with little more than a token police presence. There was no riot gear, no show of force on the steps, no backup officers waiting (in the cafeteria or otherwise) for an assistance call.
January 11, 2021 7AM - Just got back to this. It boggles my mind that people can be so mislead. I mean, I've seen it my whole life with churches and religion, but now people are believing more ridiculosity than I ever thought possible. TOB has been bald-faced lying for years but people believe it simply because they want to. People will not rub 3 brain cells together to check sources other than the "approved" ones (approved by the church or approved by the liars). On Fox, One America News another one or two plus numerous underground and social media sites readers are constantly reassured that the latest information on the virus or the election [or whatever] is a "hoax" perpetrated by "the deep state" or "George Soros or Bill Gates" or just generally "the left" or "antifa". This blind following is what church leaders have trained their flocks to do of course. Don't question (and they hold up Doubting Thomas as an example); Don't think (lean not on your own understanding); just believe what the leaders tell you. TOB has been lying since his inauguration (the size of his inaugural crowd, for example). Lying about immigrants arriving at our southern border (rapists, invaders) to justify expenses for his "border wall". Lying about the border wall at all (during TOB's administration, several hundred miles of the existing wall have been repaired or replaced; about 80 miles of new wall in Texas has been added). This kind of propaganda is squarely aimed at "his base", addressing their fear of "the other" with more fear. Jan 21, 2021 - Hello Saturday. Back again, Finally got the tree rats to stop raiding the bird feeders, and... the starlings arrived LOL! They seem to like the mealworms I have out for the North American bluebirds, oh goody. The titmouses(?), 2 species black-capped chickadees, 3 diff woodpeckers, many sparrow types, cardinals -- the cats are quite enjoying the show from the family room slider. Far too much talk of "god" interferes with, even damages and diminishes, real-life issues. From worldwide blasphemy laws to "right to life" issues to the hysteric (but easily debunked) social media claims of fraudulent swearing-in and disinformation about the covid vaccine, the "religious right", the "christian nationalists", have their hands deep into trying to deceive you. Don't become (or stay) a victim. Become informed. People must accept the consequences of their actions. We must ignore or refute ridiculosity from Kevin McCarthy and his ilk. We must work together to move beyond the adversarial position. We could truly be One Nation Indivisible, with a little effort from us all.* For the uninitiated, I've called the current (now previous) resident of the White House, the (former) sitting president of the United States The Orange Buffoon (TOB) since he came to my attention.
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