I can't trust the republicans to not lie; I've found them lying too, too often. But every great once in a while, I'll see a story on Fox News that sounds like it might be actual news (as opposed to some weird conspiracy story) but haven't yet seen on Reuters or WaPo. I go searching and sometimes find, "under the fold" or in a sub-section, coverage of that event. Then I wonder, is WaPo (CNN, Reuters, whoever) minimizing this story for some reason, or is Fox highlighting this story for some reason? I just don't feel I can fully trust any of the political parties or the major news sources. Rating sites and fact-checking sites are certainly helpful in evaluating news sources and stories. I don't know whether my neighbor is paying attention. Can I discuss with them intelligently an issue we disagree on or have they fallen for some strange "truth"?. We need better than we've had for the past several years, TOB has been an absolute disgrace. Everyone knows he is behaving like a spoiled child, refusing to accept that Biden won the presidential election this past November. Biden will be sworn in on January 20th (2 weeks from today) and TOB's reign of destruction will be over. It's up to us as to where we go from here. Our neighbors, our families, our friends must work together. That's how society and government work best.
I am deeply conflicted right now. It's 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, January 6, 2021. The votes in the Georgia senate races are still being counted. It is close, very close. One has been called for the democrat, Warnock. The democrat (Ossoff) is leading, by a tiny margin, in the other. Reuters is checking for results every 30-seconds. I saw no change in the numbers since 9:43 a.m. I'm certain I want no more of Trump's (henceforth TOB) Toadies in the government. But I'm not certain I can trust the democrats with lopsided control of both the executive and legislative branches of our government.
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