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Hello Friday. Now what are they doing!? Haven't big tech and big pharma done enough? Remember the issue with the chemical compound dihydrogen monoxide? It's still happening! Dihydrogen monoxide is in the lakes, streams, and rivers in the east, and there's a severe clean freshwater shortage in the western U.S. Now they're talking about the potential for that element to play a big role in decarbonization! A billion-dollar industry, but future estimated profits are even bigger. Why hasn't anyone done anything? Where are the protesters? Don't you care about your children's future?  

In the same way TheOrangeBuffoon won the November election 'if you ignore' about 7million votes, and in the same way opening the Alaskan Wildlife Preserve to drilling rights was 'for the good of the country,' and the same way 'don't think, accept on faith' is a doctrine for life -- you too can become a sheep. The virus is a hoax, and masks don't work you're told. You can follow without a care, doing as you're told, thinking that what you're told is fact. You'll never need to actually think, or question -- the answers are provided for you so you'll never need to worry or make any effort to validate anything. So what if science illiteracy can be deadly?

I choose to question, and demand answers. We need far more rational people than we have. We need far more critical thinkers than we have. We need more informed people. Those misguided souls who "stormed the capitol" on January 6, 2021 simply did not know any better. The problem is, they *chose* to remain ignorant. There were plenty of sources to validate what they were hearing from TOB and his cronies. All they had to do was make a bit more effort than "thoughts & prayers".  Faith has never been a valid path to truth.

The first part of this is satire, sarcasm -- just in case there's any doubt; sadly, I might need to say that. 
