The anniversary of Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor naval base in 1941. A "surprise" attack. Three days later, the United States still hadn't taken measures to respond, besides talk maybe. Germany and Italy declared war against the United States, then the United States responded with its declaration of war.
I started this post about 20 minutes ago. I think the actions of TOB supporters yesterday reminded me so much of the "surprise" attack before I was even born that my mind did that weird thing it does occasionally. Today is Thursday I knew because I'd posted my ongoing 'Thoughtful Thursday' piece. Today is January 7 of a new year, not Dec 7 of last year. The "surprise" attack on the Capitol Building by TOB supporters yesterday was too similar to the "surprise" attack by the Japanese almost 80 years ago.
It wasn't really a "surprise" at all, or shouldn't have been anyway. Just as we could have noticed the terror spreading in Europe then, we've had plenty of notice over the past 4 years of the utter disdain this president has for precedent or decorum or sanctity of our democracy. A narcissistic wanna-be dictator has been barely constrained only by the courts (and only because he hasn't yet appointed super-conservative "yes men" judges to all courts). Most Republican legislative members have gone in lockstep with TOB's most insane claims, lies be damned and actions ignored. And we the people believed the lies, and let them get away with it. Just as people in 1940 were clamoring for nationalism (pay attention here, not over there), some of 'we the people' are clamoring for a "christian nationalism" that emphasizes god and guns, and personal freedoms and rights (but only if you're white, only if your god is their god, only if you think rights come without responsibility, only if you think just you and those like you have or deserve to have rights). Just a couple examples of where this has led so far... Let us store owners decide who we will serve in our retail stores. We certainly can't be forced to serve *them*. Let us men of god decide what should happen to this woman's body; certainly she shouldn't decide on her own... gives us corporations with rights and women without. Then seats of our government are attacked by militants and we pretend to be surprised.Today, Dems are calling for a second impeachment or maybe invoking the 25th Amendment. Dems are criticizing the Republican enablers and TOB. Suddenly today the Republicans are speaking out too, some even blaming TOB for fomenting insurrection. Where were these Republicans in the days leading up to this? Republicans today are also suggesting "foreign actors" in the crowd were the cause of the riot, in spite of the fact that several people in video rioting are often videoed at TOB rallies. The actions of the mob were the fault of the mob. Yes, they were egged on by TOB and his Toadies, but the demonstrators were the ones breaking the law. The rioters were the ones who chose to remain ignorant of the facts, instead favoring the blatant lies told by TOB. God, guns, and country is the rallying cry of the christian nationalist agenda because it works for those feeling the slow loss of their privilege. They fear equality only because they see it as less privilege for themselves. That's kinda the definition of equality, isn't it -- that no one is privileged over anyone else? Only if you've been in a position of privilege does equality feel like oppression.
I'm not the only one who sees the historic similarity. I just popped by Politico and saw this:
It's a day that will live in infamy. Rioters incited by President Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday in an attempt to overturn the results of the November election.
A day that will live in infamy, parroting Roosevelt's 1941 speech. Neither that day nor yesterday arrived in an information vacuum though. There was plenty of information. It just wasn't processed to become knowledge, and certainly not wisdom. A Politico columnist adeptly outlines the buildup of this insanity so much better than I ever could but is only talking about goings-on since the November election.
This malignancy, this metastasizing paranoia* has been spread by TOB and believed by his supporters for at least 4 years. His political companions may not have actually believed it but were willing to ride those coattails as long as they thought they could benefit from the crazy antics. They recognized that many among 'we the people' did believe, but so what? It's not their fault 'we the people' have little education (since they've slashed public school budgets to allow church schools to share the government largesse). It's not their fault that 'we the people' believe mainstream media is controlled by "the rich" or maybe a backroom secret cabal. Some of 'we the people' must work two or more jobs to feed our kids and pay the rent. We don't have time to keep up with that political stuff; that's why we elected you. We've been indoctrinated to fear by our churches -- listen and obey, don't think, let god. Or in this case, let the politicians we blindly choose. It's not like we have time to investigate or read or even discuss other points of view with neighbors. The echo chamber at the local bar or church pew is more comfortable.Yesterday's behavior by U.S. civilians is as a result of at least 4 years of outrageous behavior, abuse of power, even more outlandish conspiracy theories than the simple "birther" BS of 2013-ish by our elected leaders. Yes, Dems took control of the House in 2018 but have been stymied by The Turtle over important items like covid relief, the SCOTUS appointment (showcasing the rank hypocrisy of Mitch, Graham, and others), opening sensitive Arctic reserve areas to drilling, and of course the impeachment non-hearings. Dems and their supporters have seethed at being caught by surprise that this [whatever the latest insult] was even allowed. The mindset of "I can do it because nothing says I can't" is a dangerous one. The democrats are angry, insulted by the audacity of Republicans, and their supporters are equally angry.
Democrats gained equal votes in the Senate yesterday. Now, thanks to TOB, everyone is considering how far beyond "normal civil behavior" they can push things, whether for personal or political advantage or to "get even". We cannot allow this. These people, these demonstrators, these rioters are our neighbors, our families, maybe even our friends. We the people must resolve our differences, begin narrowing this rift while at the same time keeping an eye out to ensure that our elected representatives do the same. Democratic politicians pander to their voters, too. If 'we the people' continue as we have, why would our representatives be any different? Given the opportunity, our representatives will behave no better than us -- and I haven't been very encouraged by us lately. Have you? We must work together. It's the only way society and government actually work and thrive.
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