1. If the Old Testament doesn't matter (except for certain bits you like) what did anyone need saving from? Why did JC need to exist as a human at all? (we're told JC came to save us from the father god's wrathful demand for a blood sacrifice in payment of our sins that we inherited at birth(!)) -- how does that work with the idea that the OT doesn't count?
Then there's abortion. Many christians claim to be anti-abortion (calling it pro-life), based on scripture. The new testament is silent on abortion and the old testament gives a recipe for aborting a pregnant womb. On the whole, the bible is silent on the matter of abortion. I recently watched a DarkMatter2525 video. I loved the Jeffrey/Yahweh conversation at the very end, especially. This points out many instances of the OT god murdering children and fetuses, so I won't go into that.
So I guess my second question here would be:
2. How, why, on what basis do you deny a living, breathing human the right of bodily autonomy in favor of what is arguably a parasitic growth in her body?
Then there's everlasting life and heaven (and hell). Some say the ascension is when you die and some say it's sometime later after JC returns and there's a final judgment... I think that's how it goes. That part doesn't matter; the story itself is what I don't quite get. The claim that worthy "believers" somehow end up in heaven. It's a little fuzzy on who's worthy but we'll let that slide too for now. It's a lot fuzzy on what heaven represents, i.e., streets of gold and a mansion for everyone, unending praise of (one or more aspects of) god, rejoining loved ones, maybe some other ideas... but we'll let that slide for now. I think my final question for now is:3. What do you look like, what kind of body do you have in heaven? Do you get a new body (cuz if you've been dead for a while, the old one is kinda rotten, and/or you were probably old and decrepit or suffering some dread disease, or you were smushed in an accident, or dreadfully young [maybe even an unborn embryo or fetus], or maybe you were an amputee or otherwise less than physically or mentally perfect when you died...) and who wants to spend eternity like that? How could that be heaven?
Then there are simple things, like "the sun stood still" during a battle. Is this just hyperbole (everything was moving in slow motion, and we really kicked their a$$)? Is it meant to be real? Some people say so. IDK how (except, of course, magic miracle where god suspended the laws of motion to keep the oceans, lakes, ponds from sloshing when the earth suddenly stopped (or slowed) rotating?). Oh wait, that's Old Testament, that doesn't count anymore, hahaha! ah lordy.
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