My personal opinion is a lack of education and lack of critical thinking skills. The Gizmodo piece mentioned above states "What we’re seeing is a convergence of longstanding American fears about government mind control and manipulation of the weather merging with climate change skepticism..." and tentatively places the origin with... a flat earther in 2017, LOL. That does make sense, in a weird kind of way. It's amazing what twists, turns, logic leaps, and math incompetence flat earthers employ in their 'arguments'. Among their favorites is 'the second law of thermodynamics', which they almost always misunderstand and then misapply, hahaha!
It seems to me that flat earthers and science deniers are almost always Republicans (or whatever the 'conservative party' label is for your country), and almost always bible-toting, God-fearing 'Christians' strong on evangelical and right-wing 'white nationalism'. It's not just climate science these people dismiss. They often don't accept evolution, gravity, or the age of the universe. They've begun to claim a shadow government exists intent on world domination, that vaccines are damaging in some way (debunked long, long ago), and their opponents are agents of [any other country you can name] mind control.Jim Inhofe has been a U.S. Senator for Illinois since the 1990s. He was/is Chairman of the Environment and Public Works Committee in 2015. In a few weeks (26 Feb) we'll recognize the 6-year anniversary of his "snowball in Congress" moment. The phrase 'climate change' hadn't yet been accepted in common usage and to Mr. Inhofe the fact that a snowball existed in February in Washington, D.C. proved that 'global warming' was a hoax. Mr. Inhofe's position was (is?) that 'weather' is not indicative of long-term environmental change. The Republican Party still has no actual plan to deal with climate change. They do not accept observable science.
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We mock science deniers but too many are gullible enough to believe the "big lies" (the election was stolen) because they've been trained since childhood to believe the unbelievable; to accept "on faith" stories you know cannot be true. Acceptance "on faith" has never been a path to truth; you can believe literally anything if you just 'have enough faith'.
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