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Saved by Grace, by Gift

Don't you trust your holy text? Are you  questioning "god's" choices? Someone posted "What does it mean to reject the Word of God? Is it a result of ignorance to scripture?". That someone should know that, based on scripture, salvation is determined by 'god' alone, not by our acts or beliefs. You can't work your way into salvation with righteous deeds, nor work your way out of it with unrighteous deeds; we're saved by grace, by gift of 'god'. 

It is God who has (first) chosen us, not we who have chosen Him (John 15:16). Those whom God saves do not seek Him; they are saved by God's selection (Romans 9:30-33). They are saved not because of what they are, or what they will or could be (Romans 9:11). They are chosen and saved, not because of any decision they make; rather the decision is the result of His doing, not man’s (John 1:12: Acts 13:48; 16:14; Philippians 1:29; 2:12-13). God regenerates the one dead in his sins, giving both life and faith so that person is now drawn to Him (John 6:44) in faith, a faith which also comes from God (Ephesians 2:8-9; 1 Corinthians 4:7); salvation is thus the work of the sovereign God - not men (Romans 9:11, 15-16; 11:36; 1 Corinthians 1:30-31; Hebrews 12:2). (Source for most of this paragraph.)

None of us may be one of the 144,000 destined for the heavenly ruling class. Or maybe only you are, or maybe only I am one of the selected light workers (source). Maybe we were all saved by the faith and actions of our parents in when they had us baptized (or christened) as infants. 

All this bible study has caused me to have a complete, total 360-degree change of heart and mind. God's truth is not subject to man's opinion. /s 

LOL, ah lordy! Of course it is! The entire bible story book is a collection of similes, metaphors, parables, etc. It's "someone said that someone said that god said" something. There is no 'word of god' except as described by men's opinions. And what kind of parent expects their child to repay them for the parent's love and care anyway? That's just obscene. Recently seen on a volunteer board I frequent: QUOTE I am an atheist and I made the mistake of getting "into it" with my fundie Christian mom tonight. The words, "Of course I care more about God than my children," were ACTUALLY said. Like, I already knew this, and I guess honesty is nice to hear in a way, but hearing it hurt... END QUOTE  

Another recently seen comment, this time on Youtube video from Theramin Trees on 'Infantilisation' whereby we are kept in a constant state of dependence on "the church" or "god" or even "the state", instead of being encouraged to become and to be recognized as individual free-thinking, able adults. QUOTE: In the Mormon religion, we believed that there were billions of souls waiting to be born in heaven and it was our duty to marry young and have as many kids as we possibly can so those souls would have a good family. I, along with my younger siblings, was conceived not because my parents were ready (financially, emotionally, maturity-wise) or because they had a long established relationship, but to be a human trophy. I was taught that it was a privilege to be born in this family and I needed to pay back by devoting my life to the church and my parents. END QUOTE Why are these people abusing their children!? Religious trauma inflicted during childhood and young adulthood may take years to overcome. Note that Recovering From Religion and other agencies may be helpful in this endeavor.  

I've often asked on a minsters' board why people want to be considered 'sheep'. No one will respond with other than 'father god'. They're usually proud of the independence shown by their own children tho (well, as long as it doesn't involve questions about the god stories). They don't see the dichotomy. The video below describes how narcissistic tendencies are embedded in so many of our political, religious, social structures. It sounds very much like the Abrahamic god to me. 

Hubby says I need a 'conclusion'? OK, I guess... How do people base their entire world view, their outlook on life on a batch of stories from humans earliest times? How do people today justify demonizing "the other" who does not think like them, or who doesn't agree with them? If someone needs to feel "special" or "chosen" then why do it in a group of like thinking folks? I didn't want to join Mensa (me). I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member (Groucho Marx). How does being one of many who are 'special' make you particularly  special? I'd really like to know. 
