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Showing posts from November, 2020

Wednesday - Weird, Wacky, Wonderful

Hello weird, wacky, and sometimes wonderful Wednesday. Albino hummingbird spotted in Alabama Nov 11th. A strange monolith was discovered while counting sheep(!) in a remote area of Utah. The CDC may modify quarantine recommendations from 14 down to 7-10 days. My HSA card vanished, replacement ordered. Many young people are rejecting established religion, maybe calling themselves "spiritual but not religious". You know how some people just want attention, any attention? TOB continues to lie, and takes credit for the record high investment indexes. If it weren't so sad, it would be funny. Happy Thanksgiving eve, everyone. Hummers are headed to a small area of Central America  ( map  - some western ones to southern California, though not the ruby throated, AFAIK). Photo text: “It stayed in our neighborhood for about a week. Wonderful to see! My first albino hummingbird!” Photo: Christine (Owens Cross Roads, AL; 11/11/2020)". They can handle brief periods of chilly weath...

Blasphemer, Infidel, American

"He might say the Bible was just an ordinary book, or that Jesus Christ was an illegitimate child." He was seen reading the bible. I have read the Bible (new testament and old [or Tanakh if you prefer]), a lot. Possibly more than most who call themselves 'christian'. I've read the Qu'ran (2 translations so far, and am taking an online course - Qu'ran Lessons for the Infidel). I enjoy mythology. I have read some of the Mahabharata (Baghavad Gita fairly thoroughly), the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the Egyptian Book of the Dead (Ani's Scroll), probably others I don't remember right now. “By the time he moves into his late 20s and early 30s, he has started to temper that because he realizes that doesn’t get him very far politically .” Though many claim he "became" a christian, there is no indication that he used bible ideas and quotes for anything other than to shift public opinion; first to allay fears of his own "non-religion" so he...

TOB Lost - Votes Count
People Count, Not Land Area

This video borrowed from a tweet represents the votes actually received by colored dots within the states (size of dot indicating approximate vote count). Did you know New York City Metropolitan area has a larger population than most of the states of this country? I didn't realize that. More people live in the New York City area than live in the entire state of Maryland, for instance. More people live in New York City than live in Wyoming. When we look at the election map, we see a huge portion of the middle of the country in the republican red. Do you realize that huge land mass has much more rural area, much more uninhabitable area, much more open space, much more national park land... much more empty space than most of the rest of the county? There's fewer people there. People vote. Votes matter. Votes are counted. All of them.   Most republicans seem to have voted in person on election day. Many (maybe most?) non republicans voted by mail or in person when early voting...

Christianity Has Nothing On Islam

Talking animals, water tricks (walking on, parting), born of a virgin, resurrection -- they're so common. The Egyptians, Babylonians and others had done that centuries earlier. The Islamists stepped it up a notch. "Do you believe that Muhammad split the moon in two? Do you believe that Muhammad flew to heaven on a winged horse?" - Richard Dawkins — Ex-Muslims of North America (@ExmuslimsOrg) November 10, 2020   

What Is your 'god'

This Wednesday consider... Is your god a trinity (Jehovah, Jesus, Spirit; Brahama, Shiva, Vishnu)? Does a version of god demand that it be first, above all others, like the bible 'father', or for that matter the bible 'son'? If your 'god' is the bible 'father god' doesn't worshipping 'his son' place the son first? Is the bible jesus character a deity himself, or only a prophet? If you worship jesus as a deity, that one also says abandon everything to follow me; is that compatible with, or is it replacing, the 'father god'? Is there only one 'god entity', known by different names -- one writing says Jehovah, another says Allah, yet another says Ahura Mazda? Are they all different 'gods'? Why do you believe in your god instead of theirs? Or is the teacher (prophet) your "authority" for guidance on rules (and prayer) -- Yeshua, Buddha, Zoroaster, Mohammed, even Mary or other saints, spirits, or angels? How did y...

The lord giveth - Job

I was only going to make a short little joke: The Lord giveth (Biden/Harris victory) and the lord taketh away (over 126,000 new CoVID cases in the U.S. Nov 7th). Yay god? As I went in search of the exact bible quote, I came upon this blog post . It cracked me up even more than the short blurb I initially intended to write, hahaha. I hope Samuel Day doesn't mind too much that I found it so entertaining. The piece says Job said these words, not god. Now really, we're going to get pendantic over bible stories? Yeah, okay so who wrote down the stuff that Job supposedly said and did? Job didn't write it, he was busy being bald, naked and on his knees (Job 1:20-22). Job was described as "prosperous" but not as "educated" in any of the conflicting texts (Judaism, Islam, Christian bible, Mormons, Baha'i). This story is in a lot of the religious writings, all different of course. The piece writer goes on to say: First of all, how did all this crazy stuff happ...

Love Me, Me, Me
or Else - Christianity

Nearly as I can tell, the entire doctrine of Christianity boils down to 'Love ME above all else, or else". The occasional nice idea of the new testament (love your neighbor) is conditioned by "only if they're..." this, that or the other "acceptable" or not this, that, or the other "non acceptable". Like an abusive partner, the bible god assures us that he is the only way we can survive; that he does so many things for us because he loves us, and only wants us to love him back. That whole "under penalty of eternal torture" thing is just a footnote UNLESS you have doubts. Then it's waved about with a vengeance. This is only one of the techniques organized religion uses to keep its "flock" under control. There's the loss of companionship and social connections as well, but the fear of eternal torture keeps many adherents locked within the confines of the echo chamber that is "the church". Even those who manag...

Christianity Sects

Since its inception "Christianity" has divided itself into sects. Initially broad geographical sects, for the past thousand or so years, they've divided themselves further and further into more discrete dogmas. They each call themselves "Christian", but not those other guys. They are not "real" Christians, each group says of the other.  The generally accepted beliefs of "Christians" as a whole is a father god, a spirit or ghost god, and a son god as 3 personas of one supernatural entity. Except even that isn't accurate. Some accept the son as an aspect of a trinity, some accept the son as a human teacher or preacher. To cover those who do not accept the son as part of a multi-faceted whole, the "Christian" label has been expanded to include those who just accept the father god alone (no, IDK how that dichotomy works in their heads;  this would include followers of Islam too, in case no one has realized that ). "Christianity...

Evangelical Christians - ID
(a/k/a Creationism)

Though the US is a representative democracy, not a theocracy, this has not prevented the religious among us, specifically the "evangelical" or "fundamentalist" "christians" from trying to force their beliefs onto everyone. You don't hear or think about In Allah We Trust (national motto 1956, on paper money 1957) or that we're "one nation, under Brahman, indivisible" (added to pledge 1954). Limitations on personal freedoms ( bodily autonomy from 2011), who you can love (an abomination only to the biblical O.T. god; no other 'religion' has anything to say about homosexuality AFAIK), even attitudes about owning people(!) have all been defended by verses (real and imagined) in 'the bible' by "christians". So who are these "christians" and what do they really want? We know they want even more privilege than they already have. They want public education money to be shared with private religious schools. They...

Quote Mining

A favorite tactic of dishonest people everywhere. The science deniers reading a science paper they do not understand often choose a tiny little blurb to repeat, stripping context totally away. Whether it's flat earth or NASA or evolution, they make the most unbelievable  assertions based on their faulty understanding of what they've read. The second law of thermodynamics is one of their favorite misunderstood targets.  How about religion? From being a "religion of love" to being the "one and only right" religion, religionists manipulate people and apologists try to explain away conflicts in the holy texts. Desperate believers will take whatever solace they can find... often taking things out of context then being offended or taking things out of context to claim someone said something they didn't. Sometimes that attempt is hilarious.   Politicians are famous for this sort of thing too. Of course, one their best techniques is to think we don't know ho...

Celebrations, Food & Grace

We're coming up on that time of year again. Fall celebrations of a successful harvest, larders are full. The sun is halfway back to its southernmost spot in our sky (from equinox, heading for solstice). Winter celebrations are coming soon. Celebrations held maybe just to brighten the long dark winter days, or to celebrate the return of the sun (solstice), or to commemorate a religious event. These celebrations usually include gatherings to share food (in these COVID days the groups will be smaller ). It may be your first time hosting or you just want something a little different or want leftovers that are a little less boring this year. Most of us have a huge ceremonial banquet, a table plus the side buffet laden with all kinds of foods and various deserts; an obscene amount of food, if truth be told. In the oven or on the grill, crisp (effin cold!) fall or tropical weather, indoor comfortable and homey or outdoor all-out decorated , Thanksgiving is the first of these food-oriente...